Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to do Thanksgiving Day in Germany

1. Invite all guests to Thanksgiving Day. Realize no one in their right mind would come over on a Thursday night. Push Thanksgiving to Saturday. Pray to the turkey gods for forgiveness.
2. Realize you have absolutely no idea how to cook anything but a microwave pizza. Exchange a thousand emails with Martha-Stewart-like little sister, Carla, and mom who's done this a thousand times.
3. Get an invitation to audition for 3rd horn in Munich on Friday. Ask your husband if we should cancel Thanksgiving. No way!!! Begin practicing like a Banshee for the audition.
4. Wednesday night -- pull together camping backpacks and go one train station to the big grocery store. Fill said camping backpacks. Feel good on the train ride home that you are getting your work out in for the day.
5. Go to Munich. Be gone all day Thursday and Friday. Let your hubby take a day off work to cut veggies and start cooking.
6. Bomb the audition in Munich so that you can come home early and help cook. (really! I planned it!! maybe not....)

7. After a 5 hour train ride full of deriding oneself for cracking the third note in Strauss'1st Horn Concerto, open house to wonderful apple pie smell. Let hubby give you a kiss and serve you a glass of Bailey's. All is now well. Besides...there's an email waiting for me with an invitation to Basel in two weeks.....

6.Let hubby make sweet potatoes while you make Challah. Was the challah dough this sticky the last time I made it? I don't think so..maybe it was..whew. It DID turn into the regular dough after rising. That was a close call.

Brine it. But it in a bucket. Realize that EVERYTHING must come out of the refrigerator if the turkey is to go in...Call sister. Discuss progress. While getting advice on stuffing, realize you have NO BREAD and the bakery closes in 15 minutes! Jump on bike. Forget gloves. Go back into house and get gloves so hands don't freeze. Buy bread. While watching Harry Potter and drinking more Bailey's, rip into little pieces. Just in the middle of the scene where Quirrel lets the troll into the castle, realize the whole house smells like challah!! CHALLAH! TAKE IT OUT OF THE OVEN YOU DIMWIT! Whew. Close call. THe Challah looks beautiful.

8. Finish Harry Potter. Take your novel to bed.

9. Saturday morning. Wake up feeling pretty good about how the table looks. And pretty bad about how the kitchen looks.

10. Start cleaning kitchen. Then realize students will show up at the door in 10 minutes. You have pajamas on, are up to your elbows in stuck challah dough mixed with soap, and your laundry is sitting in the middle of the living room. Then the phone rings. "We're hear a bit early, is that okay?" OF COURSE! I am Texas Horn woman! Watch me move the laundry and get dressed in 30 seconds! I SO rock!

11. Alright. Clean the house. Now it's time to go crazy. Clean and rearrange the house 5 times. Make the stuffing. And get the turkey out of the brine. CAREFULLY. I recommend ladeling brine out FIRST before you try to move the bucket. Take turkey downstairs and give it a SHOWER. Yes. A shower. How else are you going to get the salt off? Make the mistake of dumping the bucket full of garlic cloves and whole pepper corns into the bath. Watch husband look at you like you are an idiot (but that's why he married you!!) After doubt about whether you have a pan big enough for the turky, oil it, stuff it, cover in foil, and load in the oven. Yes it fit! YAY!

12. Let husband go to store to buy vanilla icecream for the pie, beer, water, and juice.

13. Do potatoes and green bean casserole. Realize they are going to have to wait a while because the turkey needs another 50 hours to finish cooking.

14. Let husband make AWESOME garlic veggie dip. He's good at it. Like many other things.

15. Let husband pick music to stick in CD player. I'm a music teacher. Which obviously means I have no taste in music.

16. Put a few beers in the fridge. Let the rest stay outside. It's probably colder out there than in the fridge anyway.

17. Guests arrive. Let them wait almost another 2 hours. Your sister said the Turkey would take longer to cook with stuffing inside. But how much longer was never discussed....Good thing we have a lot of beer...

18. Then comes the big moment...

It must have been good because this is all that was left...


Carla said...

I'm so glad everything worked out!! Super cute pictures too! I'm so glad yall took them! Looks like a lot of fun, happy thanksgiving :)

Louise Stoehr said...

Wow! Thanksgiving in Germany! I remember making turkey dinner for friends while visiting over the Christmas-New Year holiday. This was back in the day when it cost a lot to call the States. Oh, did I mention that was the first turkey I had actually ever prepared myself? :-)
Re: Munich-you probably didn't want that job anyway, right? And Basel is in a beautiful corner of Germany/Switzerland..

TreyJ said...

Sort of reminds me of Thanksgiving in Italy...that was an adventure! The good news was that I wasn't out of town the day before.

Glad to hear it all came together!

Our neighbors in Italy were really amused when we taught them how to make a little "pool" of gravy in their mashed potatoes.

Jake, Charissa, Abigail and Evie said...

So funny Aimee! I love the pics and commentary.